110g Butter
85g Icing sugar
2 Eggs -grade B (beaten)
3spoons Pineapple liquor (from canned pineapple)
145g Selft-raising flour
50g Canned pineapple pieces (diced)
1. Beat butter and sugar of ingredient (A) until smooth.
2. Add eggs in slowly follewed by pineapple liquor,beat well.
3. Fold in of ingredient (B),mix until even.Then add in diced pineapple.
4. Spoon into paper cups three quarters of the way up.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 150'c for 15~20min.Cool cakes.
110g 牛油
85g 糖粉
2粒 鸡蛋 grade-B (打散)
3汤匙 黄梨汁 (取自罐头)
145g 自发粉
50g 罐头黄梨 (切粒)
1. 将材料(A)的奶油和糖粉搅打至幼滑慢慢拌入蛋液及黄梨汁。
2. 加入材料(B)的自发粉拌均,再加入黄梨。
3. 把面糊拌入纸杯内至八分满,然后排在烘盘上。
4. 再放入已预热的烘炉里,以150‘C烘15至20分钟,取出待冷就可享用。
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