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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Molten Lava Cake @_@ Yummy yummy

发贴者 Carien Tan 时间: 9:32 AM

Serves : 4-6 glass

113g   Semi-sweet Baking Chocolate
120g   Unsalt butter (some more for greasing glass)
2pcs    Eggs
65g     Icing sugar
40g     Plain flour / Multi purpose flour

1. Melt chocolate in double boiler.
2. Beat the egg and sugar until light and fulffy.
3. Once chocolate is melted,add in butter mix until the butter melts fully.
4. Add the (3) into egg,then add the flour and mix until well incorporated.
5. Butter bottom and sides of glass and pour in mixture about 3/4 way full.
6. Then bake in 180'c for 15mins,serve hot.

可做4-6 杯

113g    半甜巧克力
120g    无盐牛油 (少许涂抹杯)
2粒     鸡蛋
65g     糖粉
40g     普通面粉

1. 将巧克力隔水炖溶。
2. 把鸡蛋和糖粉拌均至光滑。
3. 把巧克力炖溶后加上牛油至到牛油完全溶化。
4. 把(3)倒进鸡蛋糊里再加上面粉搅拌均匀。
5. 把杯子涂上少许的牛油,然后将面糊倒入杯子里约9分满。

2 评论:

Joceline on October 23, 2010 at 8:00 PM said...


Carien Tan on October 31, 2010 at 5:00 AM said...


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