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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Japanese Light Cheese Cake~ Yummy yummy @__@

发贴者 Carien Tan 时间: 8:29 AM
160g Biscuit Marie
90g Melted Butter

Cream Cheese Mixture
400g Fresh milk
250g Cream cheese
60g Plain flour ,sieved
5pcs Egg yolk
20g Lemon juice
5pcs Egg whites
100g Caster sugar

1.Preheat oven to 180'c.Mix marie biscuit wirh melted butter and press into a lined 8'' round cake tin with grase proof paper.
2.Double-boil fresh milk and cream cheese until dissolved.
3.Add plain flour,stir and cook until the mixture has thickened.Remove from heat and leave to cool,then add the ingredient (B) and stir well.
4.Beat the egg white at high speed until soft then add the sugar.Slowly mix the (3).
5. Strain the cheese mixture on top of biscuit marie.
6.Steam bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180'c for 20 min.Then reduce the heat to 140'c and bake another 1 hour 45 min or until cooked.
7. Leave cake to cool in the oven with door ajar 1hour.Then put in the fridge for 4 hours.
8. Remove cake from tin and place onto a cake board and serve.

160g Marie饼
90g 溶化牛油

400g 鲜奶
250g 奶油芝士
60g 普通面粉,过筛
20g 柠檬汁
100g 幼糖

1. 将烤箱预热至180'c。底层搅拌均匀,然后压入已经铺上油纸的8寸圆模中。
2. 将鲜奶和奶油芝士隔水加热,搅拌至芝士完全溶化,然后加入面粉继续搅煮,离火待冷,再加入材料(B)拌均。
3. 将蛋白以快速度搅拌至少许发泡,然后加入糖拌打至软性发泡。慢慢拌入(2)至均匀。
5. 用蒸烘的方式,以180'c烘20分钟,然后将温度调到140'c继续烘1小时45分钟至熟。

蒸烘的方式 ~ Steam Bake

1 评论:

Carien Tan on October 20, 2010 at 10:17 PM said...

首次做cheese cake,吃了才知道那层cheese是多么的美味!虽然功夫是多了些,价钱也贵了些....不过吃了充满满足感,产生了那种幸福的感觉!哇,说不出的感觉~~

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